Saturday, 22 December 2012

Quick Christmas Update

I’ve reread my last post; I was fairly fraught with nerves and anxiety wasn't I? Luckily I’ve calmed down a lot and it wasn’t depression, which I’m incredibly relieved about. It turns out one of my medications was making me a bit loopy and out of sorts! I attempted to go cold turkey but that only made things 10x harder so I’m back on the medication (a pain reliever) and coming off it slowly and carefully.

Although this now means I’m in more pain, I’d rather deal with that than cope with panic and anxiety attacks. I now have a real empathy for real depression sufferers, who deal with those horrible feelings and thoughts 24/7 and can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. I also can see why drug addicts find cold turkey so hard and distressing.

Anyway, on a lighter note; It’s Christmas!! I’m in Hastings visiting Mike’s family and finally feeling festive; I’ve kind of missed all the build-up due to being so I’m my own little world but I’m looking forward to seeing our niece and enjoying the company, the food, TV and the presents!

I’m wishing all my readers a pain free, stress free Christmas, try to enjoy it all, saviour the build-up, the day and the winding down to the closing year, it will all go so fast that we’ll be in mid-January before we know it!
Much love and festive wishes
L x

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