Thursday, 9 August 2012

Two Years Together!

So after 114 posts (a complete fluke but I’ve managed to write 57 posts in both years!) and 17300 readers we’ve hit A Diary of Freedom’s 2 year Birthday! So many of you have been reading from the beginning, I’m writing from the same room, the same desk, the same PC but as you all know so much as happened in between! Thank you for all your e-mails, posts, retweets and Facebook shares – I appreciate the love and learn from the criticism. I will carry on waffling in my own “special” style and continue to support those who’ve needed my support and advice.

Also by chance today I picked on, a network for blog writers worldwide, as the editors pick and therefore am featured on the website’s front page – gaining new readers but to have been picked from thousand’s is a real grin inducing accolade, if I could I would be doing a little dance!

Screen Shot - featuring little old me!

My goal for year three is to reach 36,000 readers and to have written 200 blogs overall, as I said on this day a year ago “Where from here? Well, assuming you all keep reading, I’ll keep writing – as long as you and I are happy – let’s continue into the 3rd year!”

So the relapse from hell continues to reign over me. The RSD/CRPS pain is atrocious, my left foot has become paralysed but the rest of the leg and my right one are twisted in spasm or burning from an internal nerve fire! I walk like a drunken platypus and am spending more and more time indoors feet up or giving up completely for 3hr naps. The pain has been so intense I’m being sick and almost fainting but my wonderful family and friends continue to support and understand when I cancel plans or sit in silence - sometimes dribbling – attractive huh?

Luckily today you get two posts for the price of one, in the next one I have some news for you!

L x

1 comment:

Thank you for posting. Should you wish to contact me privately e-mail