
Monday 7 February 2011

Oh the shame!

I didn't think I’d have much to report this week. Again I have been proven wrong! Monday I was recovering from the day trips to the Sunshine and Gold Coasts.  When Mike got home from work he suggested we went to have a mosey around the city and see some of the sights.

This started at the river and Story Bridge, took some very “artistic” photo’s of the night time skyline and some of the damage caused by the floods. We walked in the center of town to attempt to find a Mexican restaurant that Mike had been to on his last trip here. This turned into a 2 hour marathon, as Mike hates not finding places and values his inner map or pigeon’s instinct as we call it. In the end my ratty mood indicated that I couldn’t care less about the Mexican and just wanted food – damn it!
Story Bridge
In the end we found a Mexican take away, where I had the best Tacos I’d ever eaten, sod the fancy restaurant when I could have steak, beauties for $7!

To this day… a week on from then we still haven’t found that restaurant!

Tuesday Mike’s University friends that I mentioned on Aussie Day took us to Kangaroo Point where barbeques line the streets as casually as the tree’s do at home! We’d funny enough bought Kangaroo to try amongst chicken and steaks. Skippy meat is a richer version of beef steaks, I recommend only eating very small amounts at a time! We tried to have it for dinner a few days later only to feel very sick!

Anyway, Jenna and Brian had bought their friend Jono. Since I had now met the Jen and Brian a couple of times before I was beginning to relaxed around them, chatting, eating, watching the bats stretch their wings over the river, when laughing became my down fall.

Having cleared up, finishing our drinks, Mike started impersonating a limp sounding police siren… I being the ever cool, proceeded to comically spray my drink over him, started to choke on what had made it down my windpipe and throw up leaning over the side of my wheelchair – oh the shame! It may not have the best impression but I made one never the less!

When we hadn’t heard from them till a lot later in the week, I was beginning to suspected I had offend them with my uncouth act, when Mike reminded me that he had seen them and visa versa in states a million times worse at Uni!

L  x

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