Thursday, 2 December 2010

Snow - it almost makes no difference!

Well the UK has ground to a halt once again. In the case of white stuff vs Britain – we lose! But I can’t help but be a tad smug about the whole situation. When it snow’s every non disabled person has a glimpse into a disabled person’s life.

Before I reason with you, let me point out that the thought of homeless people being out in this terrifies me, emergency services unable to reach those in need leaves me cold (I do not excuse my very truthful and yet ironic pun there!) and feel awful for those, including family and friends who are stranded in airports and at work conferences! But for the 38 people on my facebook within the last 24 hours proclaiming to have cabin fever and being driven mad having to stay at home, is for myself and many others a daily feeling.

Those who know me, will know that I get out and about quite happily with some careful planning and thought, especially since the arrival of the GoGo, but what about people who are worse off physically than myself?

Before my GoGo arrived I would regularly curse having to wait in for people or help with something (I know – I should just be grateful and don’t get me wrong, I was/am when I receive a bit of assistance). The GoGo has given me freedoms I’ve missed since I was a child, getting my own milk, when I have once again let it sour, feels like a treat, yet I still find myself desperate to go that little bit further than I now can. I suppose it’s almost like wanting the holiday we can’t afford, New York (my dream Holiday destination) will be there waiting when I save, but unlike my friends for me London is still just that bit out of reach.

Going back to those worse off than myself, I have a wonderful network of friends, family, neighbours even my postman offering me help with my shopping or some company. For those who don’t have that luxury, sitting in with just your TV, a book and/or your own company is lonely enough when it snows but what about the rest of the year? With all the impending cuts to care services and medical aid, I can’t help but wonder if more people’s lives will be just that bit more frustrating.

Of course it’s not all doom and gloom, snow is beautiful and only adds to the excitement of Christmas only days away now. So make the most of your days off, the peace and quiet of no annoying visitors and go build a snowman (or a ten foot male appendage as one of my facebookers threatened!) as us being a nation of complainers we’ll only moan when it’s all gone again.

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